Fake Vegan & Gluten Free Recipe Blogs

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I started this blog for many reasons, but the most important one came about when I learned some sobering facts about recipe blogs: most of them share fake recipes…what’s more, the vegan and gluten free ones are the worst offenders.

A fake recipe is something that the blogger has never cooked themselves, but instead, just threw together an ingredients list and instructions and placed a really long story full of keywords on their page so it would get noticed by search engines; which leads you to find them.

And sometimes it’s a vegan and gluten free recipe that isn’t vegan or gluten free at all, and the amazing loaf of bread in the step-by-step photos is actually filled with gluten and eggs which makes it appear appetizing! That’s why it looks so good, and maybe too good to be true.

So, you attempt to follow the recipe and either it’s a complete fail, or it doesn’t turn out looking anything like the photo; this can make you feel bad about your cooking skills, and even prevent you from continuing on your journey of preparing your own healthy meals at home.

Why on Earth would someone create a fake recipe? Because if they can get you to load the page with all of the ads, and bury the recipe somewhere at the bottom, there’s a good chance you will click on a few things, and maybe even buy something.

Some would argue that advertising is the only way a blogger can be compensated for hosting a blog in the first place. And while there is some truth to that idea, it doesn’t have to be presented in such a shady way. What’s the point of collecting revenue for a recipe blog if the recipes are fake?

Well, it’s a quick way for scammers to make money at your expense. Not only will you be buying what is sold in the ad, but you’re spending hard earned money on ingredients that you’re wasting on a recipe that could never work.

At FunLiveLove, I create all of my recipes and test them on my loving family! I actually cook, eat, and enjoy all of the food ideas that I share with you. I dream up my own recipes because I experience allergies and sensitivities that require me to make my own food.

As a certified nutrition specialist, it is my goal is to make meals that are wholesome, but taste just as good as classic dishes. I test every ingredient, every step, and try it several times to ensure the instructions makes sense - if the dish doesn’t come out perfect, I don’t share the recipe.

I also do not blindly share information. I fact check everything, and link scientific claims to peer-reviewed studies whenever possible. And I don’t bombard you with ads; there are a few peppered in to help us with costs, but not so many that the recipe or information is hard to find.

You can get your recipes from anywhere, but the fact that you’re here trying mine means so much to me. I hope that despite your illness or allergy, that food can once again be fun and delicious.


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Image: Kristina Tripkovic and Loverna Journey


Vegan Food Isn’t Boring