Tai Chi is an Easy Exercise for Any Age

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Everyone seems to talk about yoga and cardio, but these types of exercise aren’t right for all people and situations. Some individuals may feel they aren’t flexible enough to start a yoga program, and medical issues can prevent some people from taking part in strenuous cardiovascular workout. But there is an amazing exercise regimen that doesn’t require a whole lot of flexibility or breathless aerobics: it’s Tai Chi and it has been around for almost 1500 years! Characterized by very soft, contrasting and complimentary, movements that allow the body to flow, tai chi is based on the ancient Chinese martial art of Qigong.

The nature of life moves toward harmony, and yin and yang are always in total balance; this is similar to how Tai Chi works. It is a gentle exercise that is suitable for almost anyone, including people who have diminished physical abilities. There are even forms of Tai Chi designed for those who can only exercise while in a chair, as well as people in wheelchairs and those who are on bedrest. Many studies have proven that Tai Chi is not only great for stress relief, but also improves physical health, mood and can alleviate insomnia. The best part, this type of exercise is low-impact and generally pain-free, so even people who hate to exercise may enjoy Tai Chi. It can be practiced at any age, and only 15 minutes per day can make an amazing impact on your health and overall wellbeing.

It’s easy to learn Tai Chi and there are many Tai Chi classes for beginners online that are offered for free. A great place to get started is to check out 8 Virtual Tai Chi for Beginners Lessons with Dr Paul Lam which offers a comprehensive guide and free classes. When researching this type of exercise, you may come across many articles and photos that depict only the elderly taking part, but that is because Tai Chi is very gentle and has been considered very safe. Many nursing homes utilize the practice for their residents. It doesn’t mean that younger folks cannot gain the benefits of this wonderful full body and mind workout. Tai Chi is more than just movements of the arms and legs, it is also a type of meditation and can relax the mind. There isn’t a need for a gym membership, fancy equipment, or special clothing. Tai Chi can be practiced in your bedroom or garden, barefoot or with shoes, and only requires you to get started. Expect to come away with relaxation, muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.

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